Great news to all cat lovers in Malta… The MFGC (Malta Feline Guardians Club) show season 2014-2015, is about to kick off with the 46th and 47th International Cat Show, on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th October, at Daniel’s Shopping Complex Hamrun.
We are starting our season with a big bang, as this will be one of our biggest shows ever, displaying over 70 cats, from all over the world. Cat exibithors will be flying to Malta from countries such as Russia, Italy and Romania, bringing with them several different breeds, including some which we have never even seen on our Island! Some of these breeds include the Burmese, Burmilla, Devon Rex, Sphynx, Maine Coons, Kurilian Bobtail, Abbyssinian, Persians, Exotics, Scottish Fold and Ragdolls. Domestic house cats will also be competing for titles during the show, thus promoting that we not only accept pure breeds to enter our show. After all, all cats are special in their own way. An introduction to every breed, will also be given by their breeders, on Sunday afternoon, making it even more interesting to the viewing public.
The show will be judged by two all breed Russian judges, accompanied by two student judges from Russia and Italy respectively.
Also during our show, we will also be caring for those less fortunate cats in shelters. A stand will be set up by the C.S.A.F (caring for stray and abandoned felines), where they will be collecting donations of any sort for cats being cared for voluntarily in shelters. We encourage the public to give a small donation as well.
So come join us, at Daniel’s shopping complex, between 11.00 am and 18,00pm on Saturday, as well as between 10.00am and 17.00pm on Sunday. Free entrance to the public, as well as free parking inside the Daniel’s car park on Sunday. Click here to view the show details.