49th International Cat Show Results

Saturday, 7th February 2015


Cage No.: 2
Cat Name: Micabliss Chivas
Sex: F
Title: 6 to 10
Results: Ex 1 / Nomination / Best Subject / Best Female / Best in Show

Cage No.: 3
Cat Name: Micabliss Black Pearl
Sex: M
Title: CAC
Results: ABSENT

Cage No.: 5
Cat Name: IT* Wait for me dei Toltechi of Micabliss
Sex: F
Title: 6 to 10
Results: EX 1

Cage No.: 6
Cat Name: Vitas Little Gandalf
Sex: M
Title: CACIB
Results: CACIB / Nomination / Best Male / Best in Show

Cage No.: 12
Cat Name: Delizia di Wonderfulcat of Chrysoberyl Eyes
Sex: F
Title: 3 to 6
Results: EX 1

Cage No.: 15
Cat Name: Monella Bella
Sex: F
Title: 3 to 6
Results: Ex 1 / Nomination / Best Female / Best in Show & Best of Best 3 to 6 months

Cage No.: 17
Cat Name: Micabliss Lady Brown
Sex: F
Title: 3 to 6
Results: ABSENT

Cage No.: 18
Cat Name: Agrodolce Dante
Sex: M
Title: 6 to 10
Results: Ex 1 / Nomination Best Male / Best Opposite Sex

Cage No.: 22
Cat Name: Margraz Tigger
Sex: M
Title: CAP
Results: CAP / Nomination / Best Male & Best Opposite Sex

Colour Point / Himalayan

Cage No.: 30
Cat Name: Belara Milana of Chrysoberyl Eyes
Sex: F
Title: CACIB
Results: CACIB

Cage No.: 33
Cat Name: Duchessa di Wonderfulcat of Chrysoberyl Eyes
Sex: F
Title: 6 to 10
Results: EX 1 | Nomination

Cage No.: 34
Cat Name: PR. Chrysoberyl Eyes Raissa
Sex: F
Title: GCAPE
Results: GCAPE / Nomination / Best Female & Best in Show

Maine Coon

Cage No.: 36
Cat Name: IP. Suryamainecoon Oty
Sex: M
Title: GCAPE
Results: GCAPE / Nomination / Best Male / Best in Show

Cage No.: 37
Cat Name: Yulia della Perla Blu
Sex: F
Title: 6 to 10
Results: EX 1

Cage No.: 38
Cat Name: RO* Griddlebone’s Giulia
Sex: F
Title: 6 to 10
Results: Ex 1 / Nomination / Best Female / Best in Show


Cage No.: 42
Cat Name: Eur Ch. Quenna Schwabischeneva
Sex: F
Title: GCACE
Results: ABSENT

Short Hair Exotic Persian

Cage No.: 47
Cat Name: Micabliss Elisa
Sex: F
Title: 6 to 10
Results: EX 1

Cage No.: 49
Cat Name: Arcobaleno Caramella of Micabliss
Sex: F
Title: CAC
Results: CAC / Nomination / Best Female & Best opposite Sex

Cage No.: 50
Cat Name: PR. Diciotto Carati Nuance
Sex: F
Title: CAC
Results: CAC

Cage No.: 51
Cat Name: Micabliss Trudy
Sex: F
Title: CACIB
Results: CACIB

Cage No.: 55
Cat Name: Arcobaleno Camilla
Sex: F
Title: CACIB
Results: CACIB

Cage No.: 57
Cat Name: IT* Theodore del Falco D’Oro
Sex: M
Title: CACE
Results: CACE / Nomination / Best in Show / Best Male / Best of Best / General Best & SGB

Short Hair British

Cage No.: 58
Cat Name: Grand Edelweiss
Sex: M
Title: CAC
Results: CAC / Nomination

Cage No.: 59
Cat Name: Gemeneya Blue Charm
Sex: F
Title: CAC
Results: ABSENT

Semi Long Hair Ragdoll

Cage No.: 60
Cat Name: Elian Rags Kiss Kiss
Sex: M
Title: 6 to 10
Results: ABSENT

Cage No.: 61
Cat Name: Elian Rags Panna Cotta
Sex: F
Title: CAC
Results: CAC / Nomination / Best Subject / Best Female & Best in Show

Cage No.: 62
Cat Name: WCH Whiteangels V Zeus
Sex: F
Title: PH
Results: PH / Nomination / Best Male & Best Opposite Sex

Devon Rex

Cage No.: 77
Cat Name: Iunia dei Folletti di Nerone
Sex: F
Title: CAP
Results: CAP / Nomination / Best Subject / Best Female / Best in Show & Best of Best

Kurillian Bob-Tail

Cage No.: 80
Cat Name: Ribesdei Mosi
Sex: M
Title: CAC
Results: CAC / Nomination


Cage No.: 83
Cat Name: Ag-ni di Olhos Azur Imperial
Sex: F
Title: CAC
Results: ABSENT


Cage No.: 83
Cat Name: CH. Kelmar Sir Emmet
Sex: M
Results: CAGPIB / Nomination / Best Male & Best Opposite Sex

Cage No.: 85
Cat Name: CH. Kelmar Lady Emily
Sex: F
Results: CAGPIB

Cage No.: 86
Cat Name: Kelmar Lady Elisa Bella
Sex: F
Title: CAPIB
Results: CAPIB / Nominated

Cage No.: 87
Cat Name: Emerald Sight Valentino Harry
Sex: M
Title: 6 to 10
Results: EX 1 / Nomination / Best Male / Best Opposite Sex

Cage No.: 88
Cat Name: Emerald Sight Unique Ruby
Sex: F
Title: 6 to 10
Results: EX 1 / Nomination / Best Female / Best in Show & Best of Best


Cage No.: 90
Cat Name: Kaya
Sex: F
Title: N
Results: EX 1 | Nomination | Best Domestic Cat

Cage No.: 91
Cat Name: Sinar
Sex: F
Title: N
Results: ABSENT

Cage No.: 92
Cat Name: Linhof
Sex: F
Title: N
Results: ABSENT

Cage No.: 93
Cat Name: Prince
Sex: M
Title: N
Results: ABSENT

Cage No.: 94
Cat Name: Oscar
Sex: F
Title: N
Results: ABSENT

Cage No.: 95
Cat Name: Milo
Sex: F
Title: N
Results: EX 1 | Nomination

WCF Rings

Kitten Ring

1st Place

Cage No.: 15
Cat Name: Monella Bella

2nd Place

Cage No.: 88
Cat Name: Emerald Sight Unique Ruby Lily

3rd Place

Cage No.: 37
Cat Name: Yulia della Perla Blu

4th Place

Cage No.: 5
Cat Name: IT* Wait for me del Toltechi of Micabliss

5th Place

Cage No.: 47
Cat Name: Micabliss Elisa

6th Place

Cage No.: 12
Cat Name: Delizia di Wonderfulcat of Chyrsoberyl Eyes

Adult Ring

1st Place

Cage No.: 54
Cat Name: IT* Theodore del Falco D’Oro

2nd Place

Cage No.: 62
Cat Name: WCH. Whiteangles V Zeus

3rd Place

Cage No.: 80
Cat Name: Ribesdei Mosi

4th Place

Cage No.: 50
Cat Name: PR. Diciotto Carati Nuance

5th Place

Cage No.: 6
Cat Name: Vitas Little Gandalf

6th Place

Cage No.: 49
Cat Name: Arcobaleno Caramella of Micabliss

Neuteured Ring

1st Place

Cage No.: 22
Cat Name: Margraz Tigger

2nd Place

Cage No.: 86
Cat Name: Kelmar Lady Elisa Bella

3rd Place

Cage No.: 36
Cat Name: IP. Suryamainecoon Oty