British Longhair

Body: A medium to a large sized cat which is muscular and cobby. Chest, shoulders and back are broad and massive.

Legs are short and muscular; paws thick and round.

The tail is medium to long and thick with a rounded tip and should reach to the shoulders.

The neck is short and strong.

Head: The head is round, massive, broad with a firm chin. The nose is short, broad and straight. The profile is curved (without any stop). Cheeks are full and pronounced. The large round whisker pads lend a distinct outline to the short muzzle.
Ears: The ears are medium in size, broad at the base, with slightly rounded tips. They are set wide apart.
Eyes: The eyes are large and round, set wide apart. Eye colour corresponds with coat colour.
Coat Length: The coat shall be long, smooth and very dense, with sufficient undercoat. It should be crisp and not flat, it should be away from the body.

A ruff and “knickerbockers” are desirable.

The tail should be bushy, well furnished and full to emphasize the cat’s beauty. 

Texture: Rather coarse and crisp, but softer than that of a British Shorthair. The coat texture may be different in colours other than traditional blue.
Colour varieties: All colours and pointed colours with Siamese points without white are acceptable. The description of colours is listed in the general list of colours.
Faults: A profile with a stop is a severe fault.


Scale of Points:

Body: 20
Head: 30
Colour of the eye: 10
Coat texture: 10
Coat length: 15
Coat colour, pattern: 10
Condition: 5