Fascinating Felines
Do you love cats?! Meet The sweetest cats.
We all know cats carry a good tune and are celebrities!
Lots of fun with many of the top cats from around the nation is awaiting you at the Christmas Time WCF Cat Show by Malta Feline Guardians Club.
The Malta Feline Guardians Club (MFGC) invites you all with greatest pleasure for two days of WCF International Cats Shows and Also what makes this show a little more Extra Special…the Mysterious National Beauty Saturday and Sunday, 14th & 15th December 2019 at Montekristo Estates.
Doors open at 10.00hrs
The judges select their 10 bestest choices they have judged within the breed classes and standards. Then it is decided what order those Top 10 go in!
The 1st Place, The Winner of the Mysterious National Beauty will be delightfully flying to participate in a Cat Show abroad…With the< opportunity of sharing a wonderful experience of feline fancy with other various enchanting cats and breeds from all over the world.
For this Spectacular Show judges:
Ms.Marina Zhuravleva, Ms.Elena Fedorenko and Ms.Svetlana Bochkova all from Russia.
Feline lovers! Come & Enjoy a Feline Atmosphere;
Also Nothing is more likely to get you in the mood for the festive season than the Christmas market at MonteKristo Estates.
It will be so amazing, so don’t miss it!
For more details contact Malta Cat Shows via www.maltacatshows.com,
Facebook page: Malta Cat Shows or mob: +35699495017