Dearest members of the public, the Malta Feline Guardians Club, MFGC, wishes you all a happy and prosperous New Year and is proud to announce its 26th International Cat Show. This prestigeous show, the first of many to be hosted by the club this year, would be taking place in the magnificent ballroom of the Phoenicia hotel, Floriana on Sunday 23rd January; a fitting venue to celebrate the beauty of the graceful felines on show.
[b]Il-Malta Feline Guardians Club jawgura s-sena tajba lil kulhadd u jistidinkom ghall-ewwel wirja tal-qtates ghas-sena 2011. Din ser tkun is-26 wirja u ser titella l-Hadd 23 ta’ Jannar gewwa l-Ballroom fil-Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana. Din hija l-ewwel wirja minn hafna ohrajn preparati ghal din is-sena.[/b] The doors to this spectacular event open between 10am and 6pm. Once inside you may gaze upon feline perfection in the form of Persians, British Long Hair, Exotics, MaineCoons, Himalayans, Sphyx and Norweigen Forest cat. The show celebrates the diversity in breed as these are but some of the breeds exhibited and included in the show is the Maltese Domestic Cat, a much loved and welcomed cat by exhibitors and visitors alike. In all over 50 cats would be exhibited in this show. With the entrance ticket you will be given a booklet in which all the cat names, breed and owner names are listed according to cage number. Thus not only would you be able to greet each lovely feline by its name, as you walk past its cage, but also would be able to speak with its owner. These in turn, would only be too thrilled to delight you with tales about its feline! You would also receive a 5 Euro voucher exchangable at Derek Garden Centre and be given the opportunity to vote for your favourite cat. To turn your Sunday into the perfect family event, a small competition is to be held for the children where esch winner would receive a voucher from Toy Magic.
[img align=right][/img]The club s honoured to have Mr Walter Baraldi, an all breed WCF judge, to precise over the judging. Should you happen to be at the show while the judging is taking place you would be able to listen to the comments and praise Mr Baraldi would have for the felines as these compete in the Rings and Specialty Rings. Many other awards are to be given and Mr Baraldi would have the delightful task of choosing the ‘best in Show’ feline. The theme of the show is ‘The Magic of Colours’ and Mr Baraldi would also be selecting the best decorated cage.
A special thanks goes to the main sponsor of the show, Happy Cat. These sponsors would be giving out gifts and free nature menus to the visitors, terms and conditions may apply. The club also thanks supporting sponsors Micabliss Persians. The trust in our shows shown by such companies are of paramount importance to the club and the shows.
During the cat show, committee members shall be present taking applications for the International Shows or to answer any questions you may have regarding your cat or the club.
We look forward to welcoming you to our show and spending a ‘purrfect’ Sunday together.
[b][size=medium]Hadd Purrfett!![/size][/b]
[b]Lil Ammiraturi tal-Qtates,[/b]
Il-Malta Feline Guardians Club jawgura s-sena tajba lil kulhadd u jistidinkom ghall-ewwel wirja tal-qtates ghas-sena 2011. Din ser tkun is-26 wirja u ser titella l-Hadd 23 ta’ Jannar gewwa l-Ballroom fil-Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana. Din hija l-ewwel wirja minn hafna ohrajn preparati ghal din is-sena.
Il-bibien ghal din il-wirja spettakolari ser ikun miftuhin ghal pubbliku bejn 10am u 18pm. Gewwa ser tiltaqghu ma’ diversi razez ta’ qtates differenti bhal Persians,Exotics, British Long Hair, Mainecoons, Himalayans, Sphynx, Norwegian Forest Cat u ohrajn. Qattus popolari hafna mal-pubbliku huwa l-qattus domestiku u ukoll ser ikun parti minn din il-wirja. Madwar 50 qattus ha jkunu qeghdin jiehdu sehem. Ma’l-entratura ser tinghataw ktieb bl-informazzjoni kollha dwar il-wirja li jinkudi ukoll l-ismijiet tal-qtates, l-esebituri, ir-razza u n-numru tal-gagga ta’ kull qattus partikolari. Apparti dan il-ktieb ser tinghataw ukoll voucher ta’ €5.00 minghand Derek’s Garden Centre, kif ukoll l-opportunita biex tivvutaw ghal qattus favorit taghkom. Biex naghmlu din il-wirja aktar interessanti ghat-tfal, ser jigu organizzati xi kompetizzjonijiet fejn diversi rebbieha ser jinghataw voucher minghand Toy Magic.
Ghal din il-wirja l-klabb stieden bhala guri tal-World Cat Federation, Mr. Walter Baraldi mill-Italja. Waqt il-wirja Mr. Baraldi ser ikun qed jghaddi l-kummenti tieghu fuq il-qtates waqt il-kompetizzjonijiet tar-Rings u Specialty Rings. Diversi premjijiet ser jinghataw lil qtates rebbieha fosthom l-unur tal-Best Cat in Show. It-tema ser tkun ‘The Magic of Colours’ u Mr. Baraldi ser jaghzel u jippremja l-isbah gagga mzejna mill-esebituri.
Grazzi kbira tmur ghall-isponsor ufficjali – Happy Cat. Happy Cat ser joffru xi rigali lil vizitaturi waqt din il-wirja. Xi kundizzjonijiet jistghu japplikaw. Sponsor iehor huwa Micabliss Persians.
Il-kumitat ser ikun dejjem prezenti ghal xi mistoqsijiet li jkollkom dwar il-qtates taghkom jew xi informazzjoni dwar il-klabb.
Nisperaw li narawkom f’din il-wirja biex tqattghu HADD PURRFETT maghna.